How to Create Client Call API
Step 1:
Create javascript file name myjsfile.js and paste the following codes.
$(function(){ $('#btn_name').on('click', function(e){ $.getJSON("", { variable1: "maybe textbox value", variable2: "maybe textbox value", variable3: "maybe textbox value" }, function(data) { var str = data['result']; alert(str); }); }); });
Step 2:
Include the following code before </head> tag.
<script src="js/myjsfile.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
You are now able to pass parameter to function from difference domain .
How to Create Server Response
Step 1:
Create php file name myapifile.php and paste the following codes.
header("Content-Type: application/json, charset: utf-8;"); $arr=array(); $arr['result'] = "Here is your result data"; echo $_GET['jsoncallback'].'('.json_encode($arr).');'; exit;
You may get Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token if you did not include $_GET['jsoncallback'].
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